Multifactorial analysis of varieties, inputs and agricultural methods
Couvre toutes les espèces : Potagères, Grandes cultures, fourragères, plantes pérennes et fleurs.
Design flexible agronomy protocols to test varieties, products and agricultural pratices.
Obtenez des données fiables à partir de drones, de capteurs et de stations météorologiques et valorisez-les.
Gagnez 30 % de temps sur la production des rapports de résultats.
Créez des protocoles avancés en moins de 3 minutes.
Create your trials with a very high level of flexibility, on a user-friendly tool designed for variety, agronomy or product evaluation.
Design a diverse range of trials incorporating various experimental designs, randomization patterns, replications, locations and field setups.
Benefit from over 10 experimental designs, including CRD, RCBD, and augmented designs.
Use a multi-factorial approach by combining varieties, inputs and agricultural practices on a same trial. Multi-annual protocols can be designed to get a systemic approach and assess new cultivation practices on the long term.
Capture phenotypic data directly from the field using the Bloomeo mobile application available on IOS and Android platforms. Capture and edit pictures on the go. Benefit from a super intuitive interface to make high volumes of notations.
Each data point is submitted to a validation process and you get notifications in case of outliers.
The mobile application can be connected to scales, sensors and barcode readers for data capture automation. Also connect Bloomeo Agronomy Testing software with drone systems for high-throughput phenotyping.
Add context to each point of your dataset with additional layers of environmental data sourced from sensors and weather stations.
With Bloomeo Agro-Testing software, you can provide environmental context to define more accurately your agronomic zones: trial locations, weather conditions, soil characteristics, cultivation practices, history.
Segment your locations and markets to make informed decisions based on specific conditions.
Manage daily operations and monitor all the seasonal workflow of agronomy trials with field operations and observation visits.
Allocate resources to tasks and get a real time vision of the work advancement with dashboards.
Generate custom labels and field layouts for easy reference. Keep your resource availability (seeds, inputs, machines, etc.) up to date along with their allocations.
Maintain lists of partners to facilitate material, task, and information exchange.
Read more about the field trial software
Take advantage of an embedded statistical analysis engine tailored for multi-factorial, multi-year, and multi-location agronomy trials.
Dive deep into your data using dynamic graphics that are highly customizable for your needs. The system automatically generates trial reports, for result vizualization and synthesis.
Use Bloomeo portal to share data with your partners. External partners can track work progress in real time using intuitive dashboards.
Establish real-time connectivity between Bloomeo Agronomy testing software and any other inter-operable tool.
Benefit from API connections with climate data services or drone picture analysis services for enhanced data integration.
Efficient reporting tools enable you to share detailed results or protocol information with third parties easily.
Fortifiez la transformation digitale de votre département
Utilisez des tableaux de bord puissants pour suivre les KPIs et optimiser la répartition des tâches au sein de votre équipe. Prenez des décisions éclairées et améliorez l'efficacité de votre service.
Unifiez la façon dont votre équipe évalue les cultures, les conditions environnementales et les maladies.
Drones, satellites, capteurs, LIMS, CRM et logiciels tiers par connexion API
Multilingue, normes de sécurité élevées, équipes multi-nationales, gestion précise des droits des utilisateurs.
Une équipe peut commencer par quelques fonctionnalités et en ajouter d'autres au fil du temps, et vous pouvez intégrer d'autres équipes ultérieurement.
La gestion des connaissances favorise le transfert de savoir-faire, et l'interface conviviale aide les équipes à adopter rapidement Bloomeo.
Doriane's software meets the business needs of our research teams. The numerous functionalities of the agronomy testing software allow us to computerize all types of experiments or trials and to secure the data. Facilitating the link between the measurement tools and Doriane's software simplifies data entry, avoids the risk of error and saves precious time!
Le CTIFL, Centre Technique Interprofessionnel
pour les Fruits et Légumes
In Bloomeo Agronomy Testing software, the factors of study and their associated parameters can be defined with flexibility. Users can customize and adapt the factors of study for each trial, including crops, varieties, sowing density, inputs, irrigation, and more. These factors can be linked to a reference for reuse in other agronomy trials or used locally within a single trial.
Bloomeo lets you define the templates of your operations and they can be linked to the experimental set-up. Each operation has a start and end date and a person in charge.
Progress gets tracked using a Gantt view (for managers) and a Kanban view (for operators).
Specific dashboards enable agronomy testing managers to monitor team workload: quickly identifying the cause of a delay in operations, or testing networks too large for their operators.
Several statistical tools are available natively in Bloomeo, including those for multi-factorial analysis at single or multiple locations. If you prefer to use an R package for a specific analysis, we offer the ability to integrate and run it directly within the agronomy testing software.
Bloomeo est un logiciel entièrement interopérable qui communique facilement avec des systèmes tiers, notamment par le biais d'API. Si l'entreprise de drones ou de capteurs avec laquelle vous travaillez figure déjà sur notre liste de partenaires, la connexion entre les deux systèmes est déjà établie et ne nécessite aucun effort supplémentaire. Si l'entreprise de drones ou de capteurs ne figure pas sur notre liste de partenaires, notre équipe de développement concevra et maintiendra une API spécifique pour relier les deux systèmes dans le cadre de votre projet, moyennant des frais de service supplémentaires.
Chaque point de données enregistré est soumis à un processus de validation, soit manuellement, soit automatiquement grâce à des algorithmes de détection des valeurs aberrantes. En outre, des choix limités et/ou des valeurs minimales et maximales peuvent être définis pour les caractéristiques qualitatives et quantitatives, ce qui réduit les erreurs lors de la saisie des données.
Centralisez votre pool génétique, accélérez et améliorez vos décisions de sélection
Plus d'informationsRomain Royer
Responsable marketing
Field trial software transforms agronomic research by enhancing data accuracy, streamlining trial management, and accelerating decision-making. Explore the benefits of centralised data management integrating smart phenotyping and envirotyping tools.
Patricija Levickaite
Agronome, Ingénieur d'affaires chez Doriane
Clément Bouckaert
Discover how to conduct effective biocontrol trials to assess the efficiency of living materials and biologicals in integrated pest management. Learn how Bloomeo Biosolution software can streamline the process.
Ingénieur d'affaires et d'agronomie
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