Webinaires et événements

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Apr 24

4:00 pm

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Designing Smarter Trials: How To Evaluate
Interaction Effects?

Unlock the power of multi-factorial trials! Learn from our agronomist and IT expert to design, test, and analyze interaction effects for smarter crop research.

Patricija Levickaite

Experte en informatique et ingénieure agronome

En savoir plus

Apr 24

10:00 am

Prochain webinaire :

Webinar replay:

Prochain webinaire :

Essais agronomiques : Comment évaluer les effets d’interaction ?

Exploitez toute la richesse des essais multi-factoriels! Avec notre agronome expert IT, apprenez à structurer, tester et interpréter les effets d’interaction pour des résultats fiables et actionnables.

Clément Bouckaert

Agronome, ingénieur d'affaires

En savoir plus

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Replay à regarder

Bloomeo Biosolutions: Understand The Success Conditions Of Your Bioproducts

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Flèche 11

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Variety-Market Fit

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Flèche 11

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10 metrics for variety launch success

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Flèche 11

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Secure the launch of your varieties

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Flèche 11

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Product Development driven by data

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Flèche 11

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Metrics Every Plant Breeder Should Track

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Flèche 11

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Best practices in IT project management for plant research

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Flèche 11

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Pilot your department for better R&D efficiency

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Flèche 11

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Ready-to-start Agro-research Platform

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Flèche 11

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Add Analytical and Sensorial to Plant Breeding

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Flèche 11

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Replay à regarder

Essais agronomiques : Comment évaluer les effets d’interaction ?

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Flèche 11

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Replay à regarder

Designing Smarter Trials: How To Evaluate
Interaction Effects?

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Flèche 11

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Bloomeo Biosolutions: Understand The Success Conditions Of Your Bioproducts

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Flèche 11

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🌱 Unlocking Agility: Facilitating Mobility in Seed Product Development

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Flèche 11

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Variety-Market Fit

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Flèche 11

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Replay à regarder

10 metrics for variety launch success

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Flèche 11

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Secure the launch of your varieties

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Flèche 11

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Product Development driven by data

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Flèche 11

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Best practices in IT project management for plant research

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Flèche 11

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Pilot your department for better R&D efficiency

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Flèche 11

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Ready-to-start Agro-research Platform

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Flèche 11

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Metrics Every Plant Breeder Should Track

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Flèche 11

Prochain webinaire en direct

Replay à regarder

Add Analytical and Sensorial to Plant Breeding

Voir plus d'informations

Flèche 11

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Clément B.

Agronome, ingénieur d'affaires

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