Patricija Levickaite

Agronome, Ingénieur d'affaires chez Doriane

5 Steps To Certify A Biostimulant In The EU – Your Regulatory Trial Guideline

Clément Bouckaert


Best Practices for Conducting Biocontrol Trials with Living Materials: Methods, Innovations, and Key Insights

Discover how to conduct effective biocontrol trials to assess the efficiency of living materials and biologicals in integrated pest management. Learn how Bloomeo Biosolution software can streamline the process.

Romain Royer

Responsable marketing

3 Steps to standardize processes in agriculture research

Standardize processes to empower accurate and reliable data! Standards in agriculture research allow to compare data across experiments, leveraging the efforts of gathering data from testing fields. In agriculture research, standard processes ensure centralizing information and adopting a coherent system to facilitate decision-making and improve efficiency.

Romain Royer

Responsable marketing

AI in agriculture research

Artificial intelligence changes the game in agriculture research: A neural network can tell whether a plot is “Well” or “less” adapted to a breeding objective. And it guesses an expert’s analysis with 95% accuracy! Learn how the AI researcher Rony Charles has trained the model on a huge dataset of phenomics, soil and weather data from a multi-environment Hybrid Corn trial.

Romain Royer

Responsable marketing

Valorize agronomic trials at CTIFL with Doriane digital solutions

The interview of the CTIFL, Inter-professional Technical Center for Fruits and Vegetables, about our variety testing software.‍

Romain Royer

Responsable marketing

Automation in the laboratory

Build bridges between the lab and other research activities, through laboratory automation in a collaborative system that centralizes and standardizes all the data exchanges. Let’s see 3 examples of processes where exchanges of information can be enhanced by laboratory automation. Feed sample lists, generate result files in a standardized format, and improve communication workflow between laboratory technicians and breeders.

Magloire Oteyami

Sélectionneur de plantes, cofondateur de VARt-Lab

How useful are PCA statistics for Agronomy?

How can I compare yield, flowering date, and drought tolerance at the same time? How to draw some conclusions from all these variables? what to do to explore the links between traits and visualize properly the similarities between individuals or treatments?

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Clément B.

Ingénieur d'affaires et d'agronomie

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